My Blog Has Moved

Facebook cover newI have moved my blog to my new website. If you you would like to continue to read my blog posts please visit me at

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Feeling Overwhelmed? Ask for Help!

Woman being grateful

Each new season has its own unique characteristics. Spring is a time of rebirth, of new beginnings; with seemingly endless possibilities. For us, who live on the east coast, Spring evokes a yearning for a fresh start after the long winter season. Many of us look forward to starting new projects, be it around our homes, or in our personal or work lives.

Sometimes we are faced with a project that feels daunting to us, just too large to tackle. Even though we know how to accomplish the task, we occasionally realize that the job will be much easier if we enlist the help of a professional. 

We each have our strengths and weaknesses. Some things come easy to us, like organizing for me, while others things can be more of a struggle. Many of my clients enlist my services, because they feel overwhelmed by the scope of their project, which I in turn am eager and excited to tackle.

So when I was faced, with what felt like the daunting task (to me anyway) of redesigning my out-dated website, I opted to ask a professional designer to give me a hand.  

 Over the past couple of months we have slowly created a new version of my website. I got the help I needed to keep from feeling overwhelmed, had I tackled it all on my own. Now that the bulk of the work is done, I will be able to administer the site in the future without further assistance. Like my clients have often stated…money well spent for peace of mind.

So just in time for Spring we are now ready to launch a fresher, more up-dated version of , which I am excited to share with you.




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15 Minute Spice Rack Makeover

Thought I’d share a short little story…

It started out so innocently…all I wanted is to find the cilantro in my spice cabinet! Honestly though, this has happened quite often in the past…must be a professional affliction!

Five minutes later I had the entire spice organizer on my kitchen counter. Great time to purge…it’s been far too long!


This is what happens when an organizer can’t find a spice. 🙂

Another five minutes later I had found several spices that were much older than I dare to admit. Off to the recycling bin with them.


Now everything is organized, as it should be. As I am replacing my spices I am trying to stay with the same  size format.


Love how little projects like this make me feel! 🙂

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Are New Year’s goals just lofty dreams?

Even an entire year later…still good advice to follow.


It’s amazing how many e-mails I’ve received in just the past couple of days, with tips on how to (finally) get organized. I know that this is not unusual for this time of year, when all ads and articles aim to improve our lives in the upcoming 365 days (and beyond).

January is actually a really good time to set new goals for ourselves, with a fresh start to the year and the craziness of the Holidays behind us. Many of these goals however, will never be met. Why? My personal belief is that we often set too lofty of a goal, one that is almost unattainable, or at least not one that can be attained in the time frame we have in mind.

Can your dreams

It makes me think of a something a friend recently said to me: “We have these unrealistic images in our heads of what the “perfect” home…

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Are New Year’s goals just lofty dreams?

It’s amazing how many e-mails I’ve received in just the past couple of days, with tips on how to (finally) get organized. I know that this is not unusual for this time of year, when all ads and articles aim to improve our lives in the upcoming 365 days (and beyond).

January is actually a really good time to set new goals for ourselves, with a fresh start to the year and the craziness of the Holidays behind us. Many of these goals however, will never be met. Why? My personal belief is that we often set too lofty of a goal, one that is almost unattainable, or at least not one that can be attained in the time frame we have in mind.

Can your dreams become a reality-

It makes me think of a something a friend recently said to me: “We have these unrealistic images in our heads of what the “perfect” home or “perfect” body should look like. Such as choosing the image of a supermodel in her bikini as your goal. You start by working out and dieting as much as you can, but never feel quite satisfied with the results, because deep down in your heart you believe that you will probably never look like her. So you throw in the towel and think – why even try?” The problem with the picture of these “perfect” bodies is that this is what those models do 24/7. It’s their job to look like that. They don’t have another job like you and me and can concentrate on nothing but diet and exercise!

Same thing happens with other areas of our lives, such as the ever-present challenge to finally get better organized. We think that our homes should look like the images we see in magazines, which are unrealistic as well. These are pictures – no one actually lives in these spaces. Yes, we can have beautifully organized and decorated homes, but need to realize that there will always be maintenance and messes along the way. So let’s forget about those images and work on creating OUR best version of ourselves.

So how do we break that cycle of starting out and giving up? For me the answer is to go ahead and set your goals high, but make them realistic. First, you will have your large goal – the BIG PICTURE – in mind. Next you will need to break that goal into smaller, realistic and attainable goals. Let’s say that your overall goal for the coming year IS to finally get your entire home organized. That’s great! Start by making a plan of every area that needs to be addressed and listing them in order of importance. Number 1 should be an area that is causing you the greatest anxiety and would simplify your routine the most, then list the rest in order of importance.

If that first goal ends up being lofty in itself, you may need to break it down even further into smaller work sessions to avoid losing momentum or getting discouraged. Set realistic time goals as well – as I have said so many times before – things did not get this way over night, chances are it took months or even years. So don’t beat yourself up if you don’t get the project done in a day or two! Most importantly – find someone to help you stay on track, like a friend or a family member. It’s great to have an accountability partner to check in with once in a while, or even to lend a helping hand.

Not sure how to tackle the job or how to get started? The internet is a great resource for almost any project you want to tackle. If you still feel that you are in over your head, or just need someone to give you a little push start, try going to and search for a professional organizer near you.

Please feel free to leave your comments or questions below.

Posted in Dealing with Clutter, New Year's organizing goals, Organizing your home and your life | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

6 Tips to do now that will help you get organized for next Christmas

I know this may sound crazy, but right now is really a great time to plan for next year’s Christmas. By following a few of these tips you can take some of the stress out of your holiday season.

1. If you like the way your decorations turned out this year, take a picture and create a folder on your computer labeled “Christmas ideas/info”. Or if you prefer, you could print a copy of the picture and store it with your decorations. Next year you will be able to recreate it without any problem. When you get ready to take down your decorations be sure to store each section together in plastic storage totes, combining smaller pieces in zippered bags. Be sure to label the outside of the tote, so you will know which room or area of the house the decorations belong in.


2. Before storing your ornaments and other decorations be sure to discard or donate any items that are worn or broken. Were there any pieces left in your storage boxes that you did not use this year? Don’t just leave those items in storage, rather ask yourself why you didn’t use them this year. Although reasons vary, it is often due to a change in decorating style or simply because you have too much stuff. Whatever the reasons may be, clear out the old and let someone else enjoy them next year.

3. To extend the life of your ornaments be sure and pack them away carefully in specialty containers or make your own dividers by using cardboard. Wrap fragile pieces in tissue paper to keep them from breaking. Here is a picture of my ornament storage, which I love.


4. Take time to properly store your Christmas tree lights, garland and ribbons by simply wrapping them around a piece of card board. This will keep you from having to deal with tangled-up messes next year.

5. When you are done wrapping presents this year take a moment to inventory your gift bags, paper, ribbons, gift tags, tape, etc. Make a list of all the items you will need and then take advantage of after Christmas sales to be ready for next year. Avoid picking up items that you already own and rarely use, chances are you will not need them next year either.

6. Look over the Christmas cards you received and make appropriate address changes for next year. If you still send out cards, you may want to grab a few boxes on sale after Christmas. This will give you one less thing to worry about next year.

Whether it’s Christmas time on not, taking a few extra minutes to do things well will always help make life easier.

Think about what causes you the most stress during this time of year. Maybe you will be able to find a few more things that you could do now in order to save you time and frustration next year.

As always please feel free to leave your questions or comments below, I’d love to hear from you.

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20141103_175822Thanksgiving is the perfect time to reflect and give thanks for all that we have, especially since many of us are blessed with so much. In fact, if we were honest, we would probably admit that owning all that “stuff” has at times actually contributed to some stress and feeling of overwhelm in our lives.

Overstuffed closets, cabinets, drawers and storage areas are hard to keep organized and add visual clutter to our homes; which in turn can lead to mental clutter and anxiety. If you currently have a space in your home that is crammed full of stuff you will possibly know what I mean.

So why not take that first step and start a donation bin right now? Think of it this way – you’re doing something good for others, while helping yourself in the process. You will be cutting down on clutter and stress, gaining more space, and you may even start using items more often, now that you will be able to see them.

Since this time of year tends to be very busy, don’t worry if you don’t have enough time to invest into proper organizing. Start doing a “quick purge” by going through your closets, toy rooms, or any other space that may have new items added to it during the holidays.

Drop off the donations to your favorite charity and save the receipt for your 2014 tax deductions. After the holidays are over, take some time to properly reorganize the spaces and create homes for any new items. Who knows, you may even come across a few more donations, now that you are getting to love those uncluttered spaces.

If you enjoyed this blog post you may want to check out Gift giving advice or Storing your season decorations

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Fall is a great time to get organized!

Although Fall has not officially begun, most of us are certainly changing our “lazy days of summer” attitude and are gearing up for what tends to be the busiest part of the year. With the kids back in school and the holiday season and Winter in the not so distant future it is a great time to focus our attention and energy on Fall organizing.

– How does your garage or outdoor storage shed look? Time to clear out the clutter that has accumulated over Summer in order to get ready for the Winter season.

– The guest room often becomes the catch-all area of the home. Be prepared for visitors by purging the room and closet of all items that don’t belong. Don’t wait and go into full-blown stress-mode when guests are due to arrive.

– The mudroom and coat closet are two areas that will likely need to be reorganized as well. Remove all stray items and switch out Summer gear for Fall and Winter attire. Don’t just store things away. Use this opportunity to see what may need to be replaced, cleaned or mended.

– Bedroom closets are also on the seasonal list of areas to re-organize. Let go of anything you or your family haven’t worn this Summer and make a list of anything that may need to be purchased for the colder weather.

Planning ahead will alleviate a lot of stress. So grab a pen and paper and compile a list of all the areas of your home that need some attention. Then prioritize these areas in order of importance and schedule some time to work on each project. Consider breaking larger tasks into 2 smaller sessions to keep from feeling overwhelmed.

A few small organizing projects spread out over the next few weekends will prepare you for the busy season ahead and cut down on unnecessary stress. Involve the entire family and get started now.

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Planning your college packing list

Last fall, after we had successfully dropped our daughter off for her first year of college I had written a blog about our experience with helpful hints on making move-in day easier.

Afterwards I was asked to add a packing list, so I spent some time gathering my thoughts, ready to compile a huge list of every possible item to pack. I decided however, that it might be more helpful to write about organizing the planning and packing process, since there are already numerous lists available online.

I started browsing the internet and found that there are several sites that are quite informative. You may want to click on a few and see what speaks to you. Each one of them may hold some info that could come in handy. One of those sites is What I like about this site is that they have lists specifically for dorm rooms or apartments with categories for both boys and girls.

My suggestion with a site such as this is to print out the list that best suits your child’s needs and then highlight the items that would make sense to you. You may find that there are some items unique to your child’s lifestyle/preference that are not on this extensive list, so go ahead and add them.

Armed with this list I would suggest to start your shopping early, avoiding the last-minute rush that may leave you feeling overwhelmed. There will be all sorts of sales in the coming weeks, so keep your eyes open when the Sunday ads arrive.

Once you have purchased most of your necessities it is important to think about how to best store these items. Most dorm rooms are very small, so you will have to be creative with the storage solutions. Remember that visual clutter can make a small room appear even smaller, so containerize as much as possible.

Inquire if you are allowed to use bed risers in your child’s dorm room, they are a great way of adding additional storage under the bed. Special under-bed storage bins are great to keep extra bedding, towels or any other items that are mostly storage and won’t need to be accessed as often.

Next, think about a way to store all smaller items. Small sized plastic storage drawers or bins come in handy for things such as first aid/meds, eye care/ hair supplies, etc. Sort all items into labeled containers that can be put in place on move-in day.

If your son or daughter doesn’t have a lot of hanging clothing you may want to consider adding a shelf organizer for additional “shelves”. There are different sized options available. If you need lots of room for shoes use a shoe organizer, then add a larger unite next to it for sweaters, jeans, t-shirt, etc. This unit from Target combines both into one, which may work nicely if you don’t have a lot of shoes to worry about.

The one thing that I would like to add is to include your child in this process. Have them help think about what they would prefer as storage (give options)…and label as much as you can. They will appreciate this the first time they need a Band-Aid, sunscreen, nail clippers…you get the idea.

I have created a board on Pinterest with different storage options if you would like some additional inspiration.

As always please leave any comments below – I would love to help answer any additional questions you may have.

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Quick garage organizing tips for the season


Has winter left its mark on the condition of your garage?

A little work in the spring with an additional tweaking in the fall will make all the difference in how you feel about entering this space.

Begin by pulling out all large items or anything that is stored on the ground into the driveway. Next, pull out all winter items, such as sleds, skis, etc. Assess the condition of all items and group into categories of “to keep”, to donate”, “to recycle” or “to sell”. Employ the same process with all other items still left inside the garage.

Clean out the garage by sweeping and hosing out any salt residue, wiping counters and washing windows.

Now it’s time to organize the “keepers” back into the garage. Be sure to think about where items would be best stored.

For example:

– Keep all garden tools together in one common area – could you hang the larger items on the wall?

– Smaller (like) items could be stored together in labeled plastic storage containers.

– Frequently used items should be stored at eyelevel and within easy reach.

– Your out of season items should be stored on a higher shelf or in the basement to make room for the current season’s tools and toys if space is an issue.

Open shelving works fine, however tends to look cluttered if not maintained on a regular basis. Metal cabinets with doors make for a cleaner, more streamlined look (like the picture below). Be sure to measure your available space and think about how much you have to store before purchasing any new organizational storage .

A small amount of time, twice a year is a worthwhile investment for your home and your enjoyment. Less stress looking for things, less anxiety looking at clutter.


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